Friday, February 17, 2012

Round Robin Illo!

Hey Everybody,

I just finished up this illustration for a Round Robin project I'm doing with some friends. In a change of pace for me, this particular piece is all hand-done. I really like pattern and limiting my color choices lately. Guess we'll see how that goes.


Jun Nakamura said...

what does round robin mean for a drawing? it looks like you did the whole thing yourself, so its not what i thought it'd be.

Sam said...

Good question- the project basically revolves around one artist sending another artist a piece of artwork, and the second artist making a piece in response to the one they received.

Jenny said...

omg it's finally here for our viewing pleasure! It looks great Sam!

Jun Nakamura said...

ah, i see.

Meredith said...

way to kill it Sam. I realize this comment is late but I saw this while ago and couldn't post because I was at work!!